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Getting Started

Supported Scripting Languages

As of v0.3, SeedLang supports two scripting languages, SeedCalc and SeedPython. More scripting languages such as SeedLua, SeedJS are on the way.


SeedCalc is a lightweight sub-language to parse and execute arithmetic expressions. With SeedCalc, calculator applications can visualize every single step of arithmetic calculations.

An example of SeedCalc script:

3.1415926 * (10 + -2.71828) / 7e-3

See SeedCalc Example Scripts.


SeedPython is a minimal subset of the Python programming language.

An example of SeedPython script:

# Tower of Hanoi.
def move(n, source, target, auxiliary):
    if n <= 0:
    move(n - 1, source, auxiliary, target)
    print('Tower ' + source + ' -> Tower ' + target)
    move(n - 1, auxiliary, target, source)

num = 3
move(num, 'A', 'B', 'C')

See SeedPython Example Scripts.

See SeedPython for more details of the language.

Install Microsoft .NET

Before scripting with SeedLang, please install Microsoft .NET first. The LTS version of .NET 6.0 is recommended.

Run SeedLang.Shell

SeedLang.Shell is an interactive shell program to test and debug SeedLang scripting programs.

Run scripts with SeedLang.Shell

To run SeedLang.Shell, please clone the source code of SeedLang then enter its top level dir:

git clone
cd SeedLang

To start SeedLang.Shell:

dotnet run --project csharp/src/SeedLang.Shell

The default scripting language of SeedLang.Shell is SeedPython. With SeedLang.Shell running, you can input python code lines and execute them:

>>> import math
---------- Source ----------
1     import math

---------- Run ----------
>>> print(math.pow(math.e, math.pi))
---------- Source ----------
1     print(math.pow(math.e, math.pi))

---------- Run ----------

In the shell instance, type “quit” to exit:

>>> quit

To print the usage info of SeedLang.Shell:

dotnet run --project csharp/src/SeedLang.Shell -- --help

Specify the scripting language

You can use the -l argument to specify the scripting language when running SeedLang.Shell. For example, the following command starts a SeedLang.Shell instance to run SeedCalc scripts:

dotnet run --project csharp/src/SeedLang.Shell -- -l SeedCalc

In the shell, you may try arithmetic calculations:

>>> 3.1415926 * (10 + -2.71828) / 7e-3
---------- Source ----------
1     3.1415926 * (10 + -2.71828) / 7e-3

---------- Run ----------

Specify the script file to run

You can also run a SeedCalc script file directly, without entering the interactive shell mode:

dotnet run --project csharp/src/SeedLang.Shell -- \
-l SeedCalc -f ./example_scripts/seedcalc/arithmetic.calc

Visualize scripts with SeedLang.Shell

One of the key features of SeedLang is full-stack visualization. SeedLang.Shell demonstrates how to register visualizers to the SeedLang runtime and retrieve the state updates via the event listener callbacks.

The following command runs SeedLang.Shell to visualize SeedPython scripts, and enables the Assignment and FuncCalled Visualizers:

dotnet run --project csharp/src/SeedLang.Shell -- \
-l SeedPython -v "Assignment,FuncCalled"

The output of the command:

>>> def foo(x):
...   return x * 2
---------- Source ----------
1     def foo(x):
2       return x * 2

---------- Run ----------
>>> a = foo(3)
---------- Source ----------
1     a = foo(3)

---------- Run ----------
FuncCalled: foo 3
Assign: a:Global = 6

The command-line argument -v accepts a list of visualizer names. Supported visualizer names include:

  • Assignment: triggered when a variable is assigned with a new value.
  • Binary: triggered when a binary operation is executed.
  • Comparison: triggered when a comparison is executed.
  • FuncCalled: triggered when a function is called.
  • FuncReturned: triggered when a function call is returned.
  • SingleStep: triggered for each single source code line.
  • VariableDefined: triggered when a variable is defined.
  • VariableDeleted: triggered when a variable is deleted from the current scope.
  • VTagEntered: triggered when a V-Tag scope is entered.
  • VTagExited: triggered when a V-Tag scope is exited.

See SeedLang Visualization for more info about the visualization API and the definition of V-Tags.

You can use the wildcard * to turn on multiple visualizers like below:

dotnet run --project csharp/src/SeedLang.Shell -- \
-l SeedCalc -f ./example_scripts/seedcalc/arithmetic.calc -v "*"

Or, the following command turns on the FuncCalled and FuncReturned visualizers when running the SeedPython script

dotnet run --project csharp/src/SeedLang.Shell -- \
-l SeedPython -f ./example_scripts/seedpython/ -v "Func*"

The output of the above command clearly shows the function call stack of the “Tower of Hanoi” program:

Enabled Visualizers: FuncCalled, FuncReturned

---------- Source ----------
1     def move(n, source, target, auxiliary):
2         if n <= 0:
3             return
4         move(n - 1, source, auxiliary, target)
5         print('Tower ' + source + ' -> Tower ' + target)
6         move(n - 1, auxiliary, target, source)
9     num = 3
10    move(num, 'A', 'B', 'C')

---------- Run ----------
FuncCalled: move 3, 'A', 'B', 'C'
  FuncCalled: move 2, 'A', 'C', 'B'
    FuncCalled: move 1, 'A', 'B', 'C'
      FuncCalled: move 0, 'A', 'C', 'B'
      FuncReturned: move None
      FuncCalled: print 'Tower A -> Tower B'
Tower A -> Tower B
      FuncReturned: print None
      FuncCalled: move 0, 'C', 'B', 'A'
      FuncReturned: move None
    FuncReturned: move None
    FuncCalled: print 'Tower A -> Tower C'
Tower A -> Tower C
    FuncReturned: print None
    FuncCalled: move 1, 'B', 'C', 'A'
      FuncCalled: move 0, 'B', 'A', 'C'
      FuncReturned: move None
      FuncCalled: print 'Tower B -> Tower C'
Tower B -> Tower C
      FuncReturned: print None
      FuncCalled: move 0, 'A', 'C', 'B'
      FuncReturned: move None
    FuncReturned: move None
  FuncReturned: move None
  FuncCalled: print 'Tower A -> Tower B'
Tower A -> Tower B
  FuncReturned: print None
  FuncCalled: move 2, 'C', 'B', 'A'
    FuncCalled: move 1, 'C', 'A', 'B'
      FuncCalled: move 0, 'C', 'B', 'A'
      FuncReturned: move None
      FuncCalled: print 'Tower C -> Tower A'
Tower C -> Tower A
      FuncReturned: print None
      FuncCalled: move 0, 'B', 'A', 'C'
      FuncReturned: move None
    FuncReturned: move None
    FuncCalled: print 'Tower C -> Tower B'
Tower C -> Tower B
    FuncReturned: print None
    FuncCalled: move 1, 'A', 'B', 'C'
      FuncCalled: move 0, 'A', 'C', 'B'
      FuncReturned: move None
      FuncCalled: print 'Tower A -> Tower B'
Tower A -> Tower B
      FuncReturned: print None
      FuncCalled: move 0, 'C', 'B', 'A'
      FuncReturned: move None
    FuncReturned: move None
  FuncReturned: move None
FuncReturned: move None

Embedding the SeedLang Engine

Example applications

The SeedLang engine can be embedded in .Net applications or Unity games. We put all the example applications and games in the following git repo:

Please check the file of the SeedLangExamples for more info.

Embedding SeedLang in .Net applications

Please read Embedding SeedLang in .Net.

Embedding SeedLang in Unity games

Please read Embedding SeedLang in Unity.